After facing complaints from an employee, James O’Keefe has stepped down from Project Veritas

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James O’Keefe, a prominent right-wing activist and the founder of Project Veritas, a conservative organization known for its controversial tactics and undercover sting operations, has resigned from his leadership role on Monday morning. The decision comes after several weeks of intense clashes with his board members, who have been at odds with O’Keefe over the direction and management of the organization.


James O’Keefe, a prominent figure on the right-wing, has recently been placed on a paid leave of absence due to a dispute with the board of his nonprofit group, Project Veritas. The conflict began when O’Keefe fired two high-ranking executives without obtaining approval from the board, causing unrest among the staff. In response, employees submitted a memo that accused O’Keefe of engaging in abusive behavior.

O’Keefe announced his departure from Project Veritas in a 45-minute video posted on Vimeo. In the emotional video, O’Keefe stated that he was forced out by the board after they did not accept his ultimatum, which was for them to resign or for him to leave. During the video, O’Keefe became emotional, referencing Ayn Rand’s novel, The Fountainhead, and announcing his plans to establish a new group similar to Project Veritas.

The video ended with O’Keefe quoting a famous line from William Shakespeare’s play, Henry V: “We few, we happy few, we band of brothers and sisters.” The departure of O’Keefe from Project Veritas has raised questions about the future of the organization and the methods it employs. Nonetheless, it also opens up the possibility of a new era in O’Keefe’s activism and the conservative movement as a whole.

In addition, O’Keefe shared screenshots on social media that he claimed to be minutes from the board meeting where he was placed on an unpaid leave and given the option of receiving mental health care while a financial audit was being conducted. The screenshots, which were included in his video announcement, listed expenses such as private car trips and a $12,600 charge for a wedding hall, which O’Keefe claimed was used for the organization’s holiday celebration.

According to Neil McCabe, a reporter at One America News, James O’Keefe resigned from Project Veritas without negotiating a severance agreement with the board. O’Keefe’s departure from the organization he founded has caused outrage among many conservatives, with several pundits taking to Twitter to express their support for him. Despite attempts by the board to mend the rift, including a statement insisting that they all still loved O’Keefe, the right-wing activist ultimately decided to step down.

As of now, O’Keefe and the board have not released any official statements regarding his resignation. McCabe speculated about the future of Project Veritas, wondering if the organization would be able to carry on without its founder.

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