Hungary Demands UN Investigate Biden Regime for Attacking Nord Stream Pipelines

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Hungary has called for an urgent UN investigation into the Biden regime attack on the Nord Stream pipelines, which journalist Seymour Hersh claims were destroyed by the United States government.

Three of the four natural gas pipelines connecting Russia to Germany were sabotaged by U.S. operatives in September last year. reports: Pulitzer Prize-winning investigative journalist Hersh published an article earlier this month in which he asserted that the pipelines were destroyed by the US as part of a covert operation.

According to Hersh’s sources, the explosives were planted in June 2022 by US Navy divers under the guise of the BALTOPS 22 NATO exercise and were detonated three months later with a remote signal sent by a sonar buoy.

One source told Hersh that the plotters knew the covert operation was an “act of war,” with some in the CIA and State Department warning, “Don’t do this. It’s stupid and will be a political nightmare if it comes out.”

After China demanded that the United States “explain itself to the world” over the claims, Hungary has now added its voice to the call for a full and proper investigation.

“This is basically the first time when such a major European critical infrastructure was attacked. By whoever – but it was attacked,” Hungarian Foreign Minister Peter Szijjarto told RIA Novosti.

Szijjarto added that the sabotage was a “scandalous” act of terrorism and the truth as to finding out who was responsible should be of the utmost international importance.

Budapest wants know “who committed it and why,” asking for a “comprehensive, deep, structured and detailed” probe conducted under the auspices of the UN.

“I think the UN should give a framework for such kind of an investigation,” said Szijjarto, adding that the international body should act as a “platform for countries to talk to each other, who even consider each other as enemies.”

As we previously highlighted, former NSA whistleblower Edward Snowden responded to the White House’s denial that US intelligence agencies were responsible for blowing up the Nord Stream pipelines by pointing out that they also once denied involvement in the Bay of Pigs invasion and other false flags.

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