‘The Five’: Elon Musk calls remote work ‘bullsh*t’ and ‘morally wrong’

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Extremely rich person Twitter Chief Elon Musk
holding nothing back on his thought process
about the ascent in telecommuters it’s a
efficiency issue but at the same time it’s a moral
individuals ought to make headway high
horse with the work from home
um on the grounds that they’re asking every other person
to not telecommute while they do
better believe it what is your take of that Jesse did
you realize that Elon Musk blares a ton
it’s astounding it seems like Gutfeld
interjection I used to be Master go into the
office and I’ve changed positions I
figure we ought to tailor it decisively
to the business and I stand by that
change of assessment better believe it’s fascinating
however, you’re in an industry where you I
mean you need to come into work I mean
I suppose you could you could zoom in however
no one needs to see that you became
here simply because I’m on a show with
four others
in the event that I could do seven without help from anyone else alone in a
carport or a truck definitely you’d never see
me again well Dana here’s the issue he
fundamentally said it’s just a little ridiculous he said
it’s an ethical issue do you concur with
that I believe it’s fascinating that he
said that and some portion of it is the
opportunity costs that are missed for
individuals who are not here right and afterward
that this is Presidents the nation over are
saying this however his particularly saying
that is ethically off-base is that you have
individuals in kind of the administration
leader the board who are telling
individuals they need to return to the
office while they sit in the Hamptons
indeed and that is what he’s talking about is
ethically off-base and I would concur with
that there is another gathering of the PC
class right they get to sit on their
PC all day go to the carport hang out
go to the café go to the recreation area and
every other person is schlepping it into the
city to and fro and part of that
implies that you need to there could be
things that you really do like working on the
framework so that individuals can get in
furthermore, out more straightforward yet it’s abnormal once you
allow individuals to remain at home for some time definitely
also, yet like this I persuade needing to be
there for the children school play and the
ball games and everything so there
may be a few different ways for adaptability however
he’s on the right track about the leaders
requesting individuals to be in the workplace
at the point when they’re not and that what’s going on with everything
was so terrible pretty much every one of the closures
Harold that individuals became accustomed to it and
presently they would rather not come in
right I mean I concur with concur with
Dane I think his point uh the spirit the
moral mark of this is you have a gathering
of individuals who have a range of abilities and who
have a capacity to have a PC and
all the more significantly can work from it
um he’s calling attention to its pietism
we’ve done it on this show the incongruity of
individuals who say we ought to return to
work and individuals ought to wear veils and
everything yet they need things
conveyed to them they need things
taken care of them so you know he’s a shrewd
fellow as I I’ve said on ordinarily on this
show that he is this he’s our age
Steve Occupations I’m 53 years of age he’s a
technologist that in such countless ways is
provocative that is shrewd that is
ready to challenge the standards and
besides even difficulties his own
peers in his industry definitely and judge
this is what he’s telling
individuals they got to come into work yet is
he going to have the option to do it can they
request individuals assuming they need those specialists
also, they say I’m not coming in you got
to settle on a decision right well we got all
these new laborers coming in not too far off
coming to work
no doubt alright except for look the manner in which I feel about
this is the point at which you come to work and you
draw in with individuals in your profession
you learn more you know you’re somewhat
inclining further toward your game you’re somewhat more
serious you realize I assume I think
it’s great for me at any rate you
know and uh I feel that individuals who just
need to remain at home uh know that they’re
occupied by different things and they’re
not completely centered around work on the off chance that you’re
zeroed in on work you take care of your business and afterward
you return home when you’re done hello Sean
Hannity here hello click here to buy in
to Fox News YouTube page and catch our
most smoking meetings and generally convincing
examination you won’t go anyplace

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